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(10) Chinon 35F-MA Infrafocus, Flash, Early (1982) Auto Focus, new, ea $29
Miranda DR with 50mm F:1.9 Lens & Prism. Dates back to 1962 but ours looks like it was made yesterday. Hardly a mark anywhere. We rate it 9.5 out of 10. Everything works properly. The lens is of the proper vintage with a ‘k” prefix before the serial number. $149
See-Through Ricoh LX-225 with “Michael Jackson History” engraved on the back. Very interesting looking, very interesting inscription. It is a perfectly useable camera as far as we know. Ours is in just about mint condition. $59
Russian SpecCam Detective Camera. This appears to be an elegant ladies makeup kit, careful examination shoes the concealed Kneb 16 camera in a hidden side compartment. An interesting item from the cold war. While you were romancing the beautiful lady spy , she was taking pictures. All in beautiful condition. $899
Collectible Russian KMZ Start SLR. Interchangeable externally Automatic 58mm F:2 Helios lens, similar to the Exakta mount. Shutter speeds 1 sec. to 1/1000 & B. Interchangeable prism finder. Also supplied with W.L. Finder. Name engraved in Cyrillic. Painted trim show wear. Chrome surfaces are quite nice, no dents. $129
Collectible Falz & Werner Leipzig Universal Extra Rapid Aplanat F Lens. The diaphragm markings are F:8 to F:64. The focal length is not marked but we measured it to be about 180mm (7 1/4"). Rear diameter is about 40mm (1 3/4"). There is mild edge separation around the edge of the front element. The glass is otherwise remarkably clear. We unfortunately don't know anything about it's vintage or which camera is was designed for. $39
Kodak Retina I, Type 010.  This is one of the many models of this "vest pocket" 35mm camera that was so popular for many years.  It has the 5cm F:3.5 Xenar lens.  It is a German made camera, produced between 1945-1949.   The shutter and optics are fine.  The exterior needs some TLC on the leather. $65
65mm F:3.5 Russian lens for Kiev 88. This lens is for the early Kiev 88 which has a lens mount similar to that of the Hasselblad 1000F. Condition is well above average. We rate it 9 out of 10. Supplied with front and rear caps, and case. This focal length wide-angle lens is often used by wedding photographers for group table shots. $59
Kodak 50th Anniversary Brown Box Camera. Uses 120 film. Fully functional and very clean. Definitely in collector condition. $40
Zenit-C, 50/3.5, ex++ $139
5x7 Super Light Weight German Field Camera (No name), 3 Wood Plate Holders, ex+ $895
Yashicaflex AIII TLR, 80/3.5 Yashinar, Meter works, Case, ex++ $159
Topcon Autom. Ext. Tube, ex++ $45
135mm F:4.5 Rodenstock Omegaron enlarging lens.  This lens was made in Germany for the Omega enlarger company.  It is a high quality coated optic meade to cover 4x5 format.  It has a click stop diaphragm for ease of setting.  Nice condition. $49
135mm F:4 Zeiss Triotar for Exakta.  This is the 'T' coated manual diaphragm model.  The optics are perfectly clear.  Focusing is smooth.  The chrome is as shiny as the say it left the factory.  Supplied with Zeiss front cap. $64
36cm/4.5 Heliar, Unctd, Barrel, ex+ $699
Leica IID Black (Impression on top), 50/3.5 Nickel Elmar, Black Wintu Finder, Case, ex+ $1,095
Leica "Fison" Shade for 5cm Elmar. This is the elusive clip-on shade for the old 5cm Elmar. There are a number of surface marks but no dents. $69
MDA Post Camera, 35/2.8 Summaron, ex+ $1,399
Black Mooly Motor, Slight dent has been straightened at upper left front, and small dent at auf/zu Key, w/IIIc Red Curtain Body, ex+ $5,950
FED 1 Type 2 Body (1937), ex+ $217
FED 4, 53/2.8, ex++ $69
Canon S, 5cm F:3.5 Nikkor with Case. An importand collectible, estimated production 1600 camera made 1938 to 1945. How may have survived? The general condition of this one is good. Some slight surface metal corrosion, stiff focus and curtain problems are evident. Optics are a bit cloudy. The accessory shoe is missing. This camera has the foundation to restore beautifully. $3,899
Canon 85mm Finder for Leica, Canon, etc. rangefinder cameras. This is the chrome version with parallex correction. The optics are clear, the chrome is shiny. $69
New Voigtlander 15mm Viewfinder. It is in black finish, made for the Leica mount 15mm Heliar lens. Brand new with box. $75
80/2.8 Zenzanon-S for SQ, SQ-A, SQ-Ai, etc.  This is the normal lens for above listed cameras.  Ours is in immaculate condition cosmetically, optically and mechanically. A great buy if you never had one or need to replace a worn-out or damaged lens.  We rate it 9.5 out of 10.  Supplied with front and rear caps. $190
Bronica 6x6 120 Magazine for the original "Deluxe" model camera.  Certainly in good useable condition  considering that this item was last made over 40 years ago. It is very much sought after by collectors.  Cosmetically we rate it 9 out of 10. $140
65mm F:3.5 Russian lens for Kiev 88. This lens is for the early Kiev 88 which has a lens mount similar to that of the Hasselblad 1000F. Condition is well above average. We rate it 9 out of 10. Supplied with front and rear caps, and case. This focal length wide-angle lens is often used by wedding photographers for group table shots. $99
300/4 Preset Orestagor for Praktisix, ex++ $349
Adapter for Zeiss and other lenses for Praktisix, Kiev 60 and Exakta 66 onto Mamiya 645 Body. Ours is of superb quality. The metal front flange is beautifully machined. It is unused but unboxed. $75
Mamiya 645E Body.  The 645E has a non removable prism finder, aperture priority auto exposure, an exposure compensation dial and for eye glass wearers diopter control from -5+0+5.  The bright viewfinder has a split image spot in the micro prism center.  It uses the standard M645 film inserts.  The meter is center weighted and all in all a tool designed for the professional photographer.  Mamiya says it is built for heavy professional use and a long service life.  This item is unused. $679
Prism Finder N for Mamiya M645 Super.  The prism finder lets you handle this camera like a 35mm SLR.  It brings the camera up to eyelevel and provides a bright unreversed image.  This one is new in the original box. $149
Kiev 88 Late Model 6x6 Magazine. Looks unused. If we had a box for it, it would pass for brand new. $69
Rolleiflex 2.8GX 75th Anniversary. This is an absolute jewel, a collectors delight. Only 900 of these were made. The metal parts are gold plated, the leather has a reptile look and it comes in a plush lines wooden box. If you need to take pictures with it, it is an up to date instrument with TTL metering and dedicated flash metering. The optics are superb. The value of this work of art can only increase. Brand new. $3,995
Hasselblad Shade for 110/2.8 F Lens. Ours is with the original box in near mint condition. $59
Minolta 45mm F:2 MD Rokkor-X. This is the desirable very compact normal lens. Fits and will work properly with all manual focus models. The glass is perfectly clear. Very nice cosmetically. We rate it 9 out of 10. $39
15-90/1.8 Tamron GBC TV, ex $99
Nikon 28mm F:2.8 Non AI Nikkor. Couples to the metering system of the Nikon F2 & Nikkormat FT-2, and earlier models. The lens can be converted to an AI type to work properly with later models. Our lens is average, we rate it 9 out of 10. Supplied with front and rear caps. $95
2.8cm/3.5 Nikkor, ex++ $145
13.5CM/3.5 Nikkor, ex $74
13.5cm F:3.5 Early Nikkor. This is an early production lens marked in centimeters. This one is cosmetically nearly mint. The diaphragm is a bit oily but is working. Focusing is smooth. Supplied with front and rear caps, shade and case. $99
Nikon F Waist Lever Finder . This is the model 1 with the Nippon Kogaku Tokyo Logo. Early items such as this are sought after by collectors. The condition is nice with a few tiny marks in the black finish. $129
Zeiss Nettax 538/24, 50/2.8 Tessar, “Made for China”, Slight ding on top of finder, ex+ $1,075
Zeiss Trona 210/5. This is the relatively rare and unusual 8.5x11cm format (approx. 3 ¼ x 4 ¼”). The 135mm F:4.5 Tessar is in a dial-set compur shutter. It features double extension bellows, rise and shift. Supplied with ground glass back. A cut film holder and case. The bellows is in good condition, the shutter works and the lens is reasonably clear. The leather covering is a bit scuffed but can easily be restored. $99
Zeiss Ikoflex II 851/16. This model was made between 1936 & 1939. It is in incredibly nice condition considering it’s age. The 8cm F:4.5 Novar-Anstigmat could use an internal cleaning but is perfectly useable the way it is. The shutter speeds are all ok. Focusing is smooth. The leather is better than 95% perfect. Metal trim is slightly tarnished but looks good. No dents or dings. $89

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